CMS Sleep Study Guidelines

Ask us about our client discount price for DME Facility Accreditation

What is DME Facility Accreditation?

DME Facility Accreditation is for DME businesses that are looking into getting their Medicare PTAN number and become a Medicare provider or DME facilities looking into being IN-NETWORK providers for any PPO (Private Insurance) health insurances.

Get your DME facility accreditation through our client discount program price!

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Are you a pulmonologist or a physician that has experience in sleep studies? Are you a respiratory therapist that has knowledge in sleep therapy and CPAP? Here’s your chance to START your own CPAP business for sleep apnea and sleep disorders. Matters of billing and coding for CPAP can be a bit confusing but with the START DME team you can learn everything from manufacturer assistance, billing and coding. You can start your own sleep center or add sleep studies to your own practice. Physicians can add this service for their patients and learn how to bill for sleep studies.

If you want to start your own sleep lab and don’t know how to bill for these services, a “start to finish” process is what we take. Start DME can help you gain all the knowledge on how to start a sleep lab and how to bill for each sleep study.

Sleep center consultants and licensing, sleep apnea health centers, and sleep management programs.